Bedone Berambang Karo Bambang - The Differences Between Onion and The President

Mestine okeh seko kowe-kowe seng jenenge Bambang, opo nek orak nduwe kenalan seng jenenge Bambang.
La opo kowe ora tau krungu wong nomer sijine neng kene ke' ra'?
There's too many people have the name "Bambang" in Pekalongan, are you the ones?
Or did you know the #1 here in Indonesia?

La opo nyambunge Berambang karo Bambang, la iki leh' mangkakno tak kandani bedone Berambang karo Bambang...
Now, I will tell you the differences between Onion and Bambang

Nek berambang, nek pas kowe jek' ngonceki' berambange, banyu motomu mestine mili kucur-kucur, ha'a pok ?
For Onion, When you peeling and dicing the onion, your tears usually running down to your face...

La nek Bambang, kowe mben dino ngrungoke de'en prehaten ora mendek, curhat sakkarepe karo sakpenake dewe, lan ngawe album rak entek-entek, senajan negorono sembrawuttt...
La motomu nek weroh ngono opo ora katut mbrebes mili - nanges geteh?
And for Bambang, if you've ever heard him "concerned about something", do some "effusion", and (even) make a never ending album. Is all that things not make you cry like a baby? (besides make some pain in your ears and pressure in your heart...)

Ladalah.. la' jebule podo Berambang mbek Bambang...
Marak'i nangis lorone'....
Wow.. now you know the differences...

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