Mung Neng Kalongan Tok Tah - Only in Pekalongan (Bombing Of Pekalongan)

Dengok'o ki petha ora petho neng ngisor iki
Look at this map below

(penceto nang gambare nek pak' ndengok luweh terang ho')
(click on picture to enlarge)

Wopo jan iki bolong-bolong, bunder-bunder, ireng-ireng, akehe pok', neng gon'e peta? koyok bar di bwom ntek-ntekan karo pesawat ho'o po' raaaa..
What's that on the picture? a lot of black-circles on the map- is this after bombing raid by fighter aircrafts ..

Taken from (Dijupuk seko) :

Location (Ngon) :

Coordinates of the map center (Neng ndi pas'e kie ngon'e)

Latitude, longitude (Nek ngidul, Lha nek seko lor) : -6.9148626, 109.6887852   
Degree decimal (Iki cok'e nek ngetan) : 6.9148626S 109.6887852E   
Degree, minutes, seconds (Ngulon sitik, Wayahe seng pas, Karo karep-karepe dewe):
6°54'53.5054''S 109°41'19.6267''E   
Link to this page (Mbok cek'o dewe neng kene ho'):