Bandara Internasional Pekalongan - Pekalongan International Airport

Iki ngo persiapan nek' sampekan - sopo ruh' ngesok ono bandara neng Kalongan... la mboh taon kuceng opo taon garong'...
This is for preparation, if someday we have an airport in Pekalongan...

Aruh-aruh neng Jeroan Motor Mabur
Airline Cabin Announcements

Cah wadon karo cah lanang neng kene, sabuk seng seko kulit congore celeng neng pinggire raimu dinggo ho'...
Nek ora paham carane, takok jejermu puo' sio'...
La' trus gowonan-mu diringkesi raaa' sakudurunge kie motore mabur mlencing... ojo umbrus neng kene leh... suker rasane ndengok'e...

Ojo klalen kui tekukan neng ngarepe wetengmu, didek'ake, tak kenteli sisan koe nek dikandani angel...
Karo jendelone dibukak, peteng iki, lampune durung didandani soale leh... seng ngowo lilin keno diurubake, ning ojo ngasi ngobong jagokan'e...

Nek kowe arep ngluru klambi renang, neng ngisor jagok'an-mu golekono. Ojo digowo muleh leh' , tak sikat sisan raimu ngasi digondol muleh..
La nek pak lhuru masker howo ngo ambekan, ndangak'o kowe, ngko metu dewe seko nduwurmu.. metune rodo ujug-ujug, dadi rasah nganggo mak lap no' mbarang...
Seng tuo ngango sek, la tembek kowe nulungi tole-tole karo sibeng-sibeng seng liyone, wes ora usah kemliti, nganuto bae..

Kae kertu ngo ngei weroh aturan seng liyane ono neng njero jagokan neng ngarepmu, pentelengi'o dewe, ojo digawe gaplekan, opo meneh diketoki ngo kliping, yen nek apak diapalno yo karep-karepmu.. dudu urusanku oggg'..

Nek wetengmu ngeleh, njaluko' -ngko dikei menune karo wong wadon seng ayu. La bar nyekek mbayar cuk'- la kog nguanteng rupamu pak' gratisan maem.. mbok kiro pesawate SEBEHMU POK!!

Motomu ora usah kokean mliling, nek wong wedok seng njogo motor mabur ayu-ayu, dikei permen ditampani, dikandani yo mantuk, dikongkon opo yo manuto', rasah njaluk kenalan no mbarang suuu'..
Nek pak mboyo ojo neng kene, kae neng Loji' bae raaa' kono...
Sek utuh' plilang-pliling tak culeki sisan mripatmu..

Sampahmu ojo teng ngletak, ngemproh-ngemprohi ngonku tok leh, tak ketaki sirahmu ngasi ono bungkus gedang karo duren neng kene...
Rasah ngudut, rasah prengas-prenges, rasah nyak-nyuk, rasah nuwo, rasah jibal, rasah petakilan, rasah ngendu, rasah keminter, rasah ngetek, rasah kokean petingkah...
Kowe sopan, nyong sungkan, kowe giras, nyong yo' rodok melas..

Nek wetengmu masuk angin, pak njaluk kerokan, mbok dipikir SEK HO' !!! Mbok pikir ngon refleksi PO! motor mabur kie lehhh', motor MABUR!!!
Eh dab, karo ojo ladak-ladak raaa' karo seng kerjo neng kene! Tak dun'ke san' kowe nek jek' tambeng.. 

Oyo ono rong' lawang neng kene, ngarep mbek mburi, dadi rasah' alesan raimu ora gelem mudun nek wes tekan, tak slentiki bokongmu ngasi abang, nek dikei ruh' mbantah otog isine..

Cocotmu mingkem leh, rasah kakean semeang... wes ababmu mambu, cangkeme cempreng, reine wagu, celine pok kowe ke' memang... maraki mumet tog tah kowe!

Henponmu leh, HENPON!!! dipateni! tak kuaplek sisan kowe dikandani ket' mau angel nemennn..

Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. 

A life vest is located in a pouch under your seat or between the armrests. When instructed to do so, open the plastic pouch and remove the vest. Slip it over your head. Pass the straps around your waist and adjust at the front. To inflate the vest, pull firmly on the red cord, only when leaving the aircraft. If you need to refill the vest, blow into the mouthpieces. Use the whistle and light to attract attention. (Also, your seat bottom cushion can be used as a flotation device. Pull the cushion from the seat, slip your arms into the straps, and hug the cushion to your chest.)

Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head, and breathe normally. Although the bag does not inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person. Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to remove it.

In the event of an emergency, please assume the bracing position. (Lean forward with your hands on top of your head and your elbows against your thighs. Ensure your feet are flat on the floor.)

There are several emergency exits on this aircraft. Please take a few moments now to locate your nearest exit. In some cases, your nearest exit may be behind you. If we need to evacuate the aircraft, floor-level lighting will guide you towards the exit. Doors can be opened by moving the handle in the direction of the arrow. Each door is equipped with an inflatable slide which may also be detached and used as a life raft.

If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat. If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you.

We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft, including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law.

At this time, we request that all mobile phones, pagers, radios and remote controlled toys be turned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the navigational and communication equipment on this aircraft. We request that all other electronic devices be turned off until we fly above 10,000 feet. We will notify you when it is safe to use such devices.

You will find this and all the other safety information in the card located in the seat pocket in front of you. We strongly suggest you read it before take-off. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our crew members. We wish you all an enjoyable flight.

If you have any questions about our flight today, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you.

Bedone Berambang Karo Bambang - The Differences Between Onion and The President

Mestine okeh seko kowe-kowe seng jenenge Bambang, opo nek orak nduwe kenalan seng jenenge Bambang.
La opo kowe ora tau krungu wong nomer sijine neng kene ke' ra'?
There's too many people have the name "Bambang" in Pekalongan, are you the ones?
Or did you know the #1 here in Indonesia?

La opo nyambunge Berambang karo Bambang, la iki leh' mangkakno tak kandani bedone Berambang karo Bambang...
Now, I will tell you the differences between Onion and Bambang

Nek berambang, nek pas kowe jek' ngonceki' berambange, banyu motomu mestine mili kucur-kucur, ha'a pok ?
For Onion, When you peeling and dicing the onion, your tears usually running down to your face...

La nek Bambang, kowe mben dino ngrungoke de'en prehaten ora mendek, curhat sakkarepe karo sakpenake dewe, lan ngawe album rak entek-entek, senajan negorono sembrawuttt...
La motomu nek weroh ngono opo ora katut mbrebes mili - nanges geteh?
And for Bambang, if you've ever heard him "concerned about something", do some "effusion", and (even) make a never ending album. Is all that things not make you cry like a baby? (besides make some pain in your ears and pressure in your heart...)

Ladalah.. la' jebule podo Berambang mbek Bambang...
Marak'i nangis lorone'....
Wow.. now you know the differences...

Pesepakbola Internasional Asal Pekalongan - Pekalongan National Football Team

Dudu Wong Jowo...
 (not a Javanese...)

 Beleh Wong Arab...
(not an Arabs...)

Opo meneh Wong Cino...
(not a Chinese also...)

Tapekno Wong Londo !!!
(but it's a White People!!!)

Jeneng asline Elisa Hendrik Bakhuys, memper wadon jan-jan'e, tapekno iki dudu bencong, asli lanang lairan Kalongan. Mboh' ra' weruh lahir neng Mbendan, Landung Sari, Poncol, Panjang Wetan opo Kesesi. Seng penting podo be'-ne lairan Kalongan, Ho'o po raaa?
(His real name is Elisa Hendrik Bakhuys)

Undang-undangane Beb Bakhuys
(He simply called "Beb Bakhuys")

Seko kene ceritane tembek maen, mbiyek pas Mboke si Beb Bakhuys iki sek meh mriksoke metengane seng wes gede neng omah sakit, la koq ndilalah ono mbok-mbok dodol pecel liwat..
(Now i will tell you the history of Beb Bakhuys, one day in a hospital, the mother of Beb Bakhuys meets an old-woman selling pecel) 

Mbok-mbok Pecel: " Pecele Buk pecel, monggo... ditumbas... " (Speak in Krama Inggil)
Pecel Seller: " Mam, will you buy my Pecel... ??? "

Mbok'e Beb Bakhuys: " Alakazam Mbok, Kulo Jowone durung patio lancar jan'e e'... "
Beb Bakhuys Mother: " Sorry Mrs, I can't really understand you... "

Mbok-mbok Pecel: " Oh take it easy Mam, I can speak english also. This is pecel, made from boiled vegetables, mixed with coconut sugar, peanuts, chillies, and tamarind.
(Terjemahan bebas ho': Santai nda' , nyong yo iso ngingris ok'. Iki pecel, wes enake pok', temenan yakin puo'. Ndang ditukuo' gagiang Bune...)

La si bojone Mamahe Beb Bakhuys iku ngrungoake seko mburi ket' mau, mak bedunduk ngembor:
Suddenly the father of Beb Bakhuys who heard that conversation from behind, shout to his wife:

" Bebbb... bhungkusssss*-ke nyong siji yooo "     *((Beb=Baby, Bungkus=Take away))
" Honey, please wrapped it one for me "

La seko kono marai diarani Beb Bakhuys...
And now you know where the Beb Bakhuys came from...

Kisah Kasih di Balik Megono Pekalongan - The Secret of Megono

Iki cekek'an khas Kalongan 
(This is Pekalongan traditional food)

Ngawene seko cecek karo parut-parutan klopo, ojo lali diwenehi combrang, tumbar, sambel, godong salam, miri, godong tlotoh, godong jerug, sere, berambang karo bumbu-bumbu liyane. O'yo ojo sampek klalen brambange dionceki sek.
(Made by secret ingredients)

Asale muasale megono iki jarene biyen ono wong londo neng Kalongan jek pak tuku sego megono kae, bar ngono de'en'e ke' mangan megono seng mbiyeke ke' durung ono jenenge. La' terusan deen'e ke' loh bar wes mangan, njur mbayar cekekan'e kae ra. La trus koq ndilalahe ngomong karo wong wadon seng dodol megono, bar kelar mbayar.
(Once upon a time, there was a foreigner who buy this traditional food, and then suddenly he said to the Megono seller before he leaved that place)

"Me-gone* yo' sek' yo Yu'"                 *((-red: Me: nyong, Gone Yo' : ndisik'an))
(" I'm going first, Mam ")

Si Mbakyu tukang dodol megono, njur mlongo. Terusan mbalesi si londo seng rupane rodok kenter.
(Then She replied)

" Dadahhhh " Jarene si Mbakyu seng rodok kemayu.
( " bye bye " she said. )

Lhaaaaa MEGOKNO' kui leh' di jenengi megono, goro-gorone si Mbakyu tukang dodol sego megono ke' seng neng pertelon' kae ra'.
(That's why they called Megono until now)