Pesepakbola Internasional Asal Pekalongan - Pekalongan National Football Team

Dudu Wong Jowo...
 (not a Javanese...)

 Beleh Wong Arab...
(not an Arabs...)

Opo meneh Wong Cino...
(not a Chinese also...)

Tapekno Wong Londo !!!
(but it's a White People!!!)

Jeneng asline Elisa Hendrik Bakhuys, memper wadon jan-jan'e, tapekno iki dudu bencong, asli lanang lairan Kalongan. Mboh' ra' weruh lahir neng Mbendan, Landung Sari, Poncol, Panjang Wetan opo Kesesi. Seng penting podo be'-ne lairan Kalongan, Ho'o po raaa?
(His real name is Elisa Hendrik Bakhuys)

Undang-undangane Beb Bakhuys
(He simply called "Beb Bakhuys")

Seko kene ceritane tembek maen, mbiyek pas Mboke si Beb Bakhuys iki sek meh mriksoke metengane seng wes gede neng omah sakit, la koq ndilalah ono mbok-mbok dodol pecel liwat..
(Now i will tell you the history of Beb Bakhuys, one day in a hospital, the mother of Beb Bakhuys meets an old-woman selling pecel) 

Mbok-mbok Pecel: " Pecele Buk pecel, monggo... ditumbas... " (Speak in Krama Inggil)
Pecel Seller: " Mam, will you buy my Pecel... ??? "

Mbok'e Beb Bakhuys: " Alakazam Mbok, Kulo Jowone durung patio lancar jan'e e'... "
Beb Bakhuys Mother: " Sorry Mrs, I can't really understand you... "

Mbok-mbok Pecel: " Oh take it easy Mam, I can speak english also. This is pecel, made from boiled vegetables, mixed with coconut sugar, peanuts, chillies, and tamarind.
(Terjemahan bebas ho': Santai nda' , nyong yo iso ngingris ok'. Iki pecel, wes enake pok', temenan yakin puo'. Ndang ditukuo' gagiang Bune...)

La si bojone Mamahe Beb Bakhuys iku ngrungoake seko mburi ket' mau, mak bedunduk ngembor:
Suddenly the father of Beb Bakhuys who heard that conversation from behind, shout to his wife:

" Bebbb... bhungkusssss*-ke nyong siji yooo "     *((Beb=Baby, Bungkus=Take away))
" Honey, please wrapped it one for me "

La seko kono marai diarani Beb Bakhuys...
And now you know where the Beb Bakhuys came from...

3 komentar:

  1. Kulonuwon, Kulo bade numpang info geh... Maturnuwon... 

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